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The following is from Gamespot.com: The Gungans have an advantage in water units and mechs. These are their clear strengths in terms of units. All the Gungan mechs are actually dinosaurlike creatures of some sort, with a heavy gun strapped to their backs. The strike mech is a kaadu, the mech destroyer is a lerraa, and the assault mech (the AT-AT equivalent) is a giant fambaa. Even the heavy artillery is made up of creatures. The pummel, for instance, is a four-legged beast called the cerrabore, which rams its head against walls and buildings. The Gungans are purportedly masters at raising their creatures, and their unique technologies further enhance these organic mechs. Creature training, a technology researched at the heavy weapons factory, doubles the effectiveness of artillery, pummels, and antiair guns. Gungans can also research Gungan creature armor at the mech factory to gain +10 percent hit points for all mech units. If combined arms are used--and a Gungan player should truly take advantage of all his abilities--then the Gungan army is almost unstoppable. A contingent of heavy assault fambaa, under cover of a fambaa shield generator, is a juggernaut of a foe. Heavy mech fambaas already have 300 hit points, but coupled with shields, that grows to 600 effective hit points before the creature armor upgrade is even factored in. The Gungans get the full complement of ships, although to be honest, most civilizations get nearly all naval units. However, Gungans have an advantage there in that they have a unique technology--called growth chambers--which lets them build ships 20 percent faster and cheaper. Especially on naval maps, the Gungan advantage becomes clear, as they get all naval vessels and can pump them out better than anyone else. The Gungan unique unit is the fambaa shield generator, those hulking sauropods in Episode I that carried shield generators on their backs to protect the Gungans from the battle droid blasters. These fambaas are extremely tough, with 20 armor added to ranged and melee attacks. Moreover, they of course have shields. This unique unit grants shields to all friendly units in a large radius, effectively doubling their hit points. In addition, shields regenerate over time, making any army under cover of fambaa shield generators a more resilient and tenacious foe than would otherwise be possible. Once upgraded, they become more monstrously powerful, with 25 armor and 100 more hit points, which actually works out to +200 hit points when you factor in the shield. This unit alone makes the Gungan army extremely strong and will probably be a staple of any Gungan general's army. As stated before, the Gungans are strong in mechs and ships. Mechs really are the backbone of the Gungan army. They have good hit points relative to the mechs of other civilizations, and they also are fairly strong. When you throw in the fambaa shield generator, Gungans are tough to dispatch. Gungans also are surprisingly strong in infantry. They get the entire lineup of infantry units, including repeater troops, advanced mounted troops, and heavy antiair troops. The last unit, antiair, is key, because one of the two glaring weaknesses of the Gungans is in air units. Gungans are severely handicapped when it comes to air units. They do get the full line of air units, but they don't get any tech level four air upgrades, so their fighters and bombers are less accurate than those of other civs--they have no shields, and they aren't as fast. Moreover, Gungan air units cost 5 percent more and take 5 percent longer to build. Because of their lack of air superiority, Gungan ground units are thus vulnerable to air attacks, and a mighty fambaa army will die helplessly against enemy fighters and bombers if no antiair escorts accompany them into base. So while the Gungans do have a decided strength in ground units, their air inferiority is a huge weakness. Gungans are also weak in the Force, and when they build a Jedi temple in tech level two, that's about all they get. They can get Jedi padawans and upgrade to Jedi knights, but they cannot recruit Jedi masters. Nor do they get any of the tech level four upgrades, like increased turning range, stealth, stealth detection, or the ability to turn heavy units and buildings. The only significant Jedi temple technology they get is faith in the Force, which gives them a 50 percent bonus to resist conversion by enemy Jedi. Here again is a Gungan weakness, and matched up in melee, Gungans will lose to the superior melee attacks of Jedi. An economic advantage that balances out their weakness is their ability to build underwater. Gungan utility trawlers can construct houses (prefab shelters) underwater. It's a small bonus, but it's helpful in allowing Gungans another unit that can build homes and also build them underwater when space is at a premium.
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